Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm Batman!

Table Topics gives us experience thinking on our feet. Get a topic, think it over on that short walk to the front of the room, and give a little speech. It seems so easy...until my brain decided to tell the club about my secret life as a registered superhero.

The idea was one member of the club interviewed another for a public speaking job. I played the prospective employee while one of our most accomplished Toastmasters asked the questions. The first thing Don asked was, what did I do for a living?

Two things popped into my head. First, that my actual job sounds kind of boring. Second, that was not a problem since I could make something up. And the first thing that I thought of was superheros and Gotham City. Don't ask me why I did not pick Wonder Woman or Catwoman. It was Batman that answered. And then of course I had to run with it, telling Don all about my wish to enter a career field with fewer beatings and how I did not give my past employer notice, I just stopped responding to his "signals."

That is the great thing about Table Topics. You can be creative. You don't have to be one hundred percent...accurate. After the meeting, my husband pointed out that Batman would probably not register with anything. That might be true, but this is Table Topics and I was Batman and in this case, Batman registered. :)

The moral of this little story is, it's okay to be creative when you think you don't have anything interesting to say.  The results might be a fun surprise.

1 comment:

  1. I loved that table topic and voted for you for the best table topic because of how utterly matter of fact you sounded talking about being a superhero.
