Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What do Area Governors do?

November 30th marks the last day area governors can get their reports in, one of the crucial parts of their job.  These reports allow the District to get a snapshot of how that club is doing and what problems it may be facing.  Boise club's report is below and shows what information an area governor is expected to gather for those of you who may be considering becoming an area governor next year.  Way to go Deborah for getting this report in early!!


Dear Deborah,

This is an e-mail confirmation of the Area Visit Report recently submitted for:
Boise Club, Boise, ID, Area 02 Division A District 15

* Required Field
* Date of Visit: 08-09-2011
1. Distinguished Club Program/Membership
Goal 1: Two CCs -- Which two members will achieve CCs this year and when?
Name: Fred Riggers Date: 07/18/11
Name: Christopher Stogdill Date: 01/03/12
Goal 2: Two more CCs -- Which two additional members will achieve CCs this year and when?
Name:Alejandro Anastasio Date: 12/31/11
Name: Dave Manning Date:02/28/12
Goal 3: One AC -- Which member will achieve an AC this year and when?
Name: Annette Manning Date: 08/05/11
Goal 4: One additional AC -- Which member will achieve an additional AC this year and when?
Name:Mary Hayes Date:05/30/12
Goal 5: CL, ALB, ALS or DTM -- Which member will achieve one of these leadership awards this year and when?
Name:George Jolley Date:02/28/12
Goal 6: One additional CL, ALB, ALS or DTM -- Which member will achieve one of these leadership awards this year and when?
Name:Christopher Stogdill Date:09/30/11
Goal 7: Four new members
Has the club achieved this goal? No
If no, when will the club achieve this goal? Date: 01/10/12
Goal 8: Four more new members
Has the club achieved this goal? No
If no, when will the club achieve this goal? Date: 05/17/12
Does the club have an active membership-building program? Yes
Goal 9: Minimum four officers trained June--August and December--February
How many club officers attended training in: June--August? 7 December--February?
Has the club achieved this goal? Yes
If no, describe efforts club will make to ensure officers are trained at next opportunity:

Goal 10: Dues Renewals/Officers List
Has the club achieved this goal?
If no, and the club will achieve this goal, enter date(s): Date:
Does the club have 20 or more members? Yes
Is the club working towards the DCP requirement of a net gain of 5 members or membership of at least 20 members by June 30?
If no, describe what changes the club will be making to achieve this requirement:
List any members who will be achieving additional educational awards this year and the dates those awards will be achieved:
2. Club Quality Standards (check all that apply):
The meeting:
well organized, productive, run on time, agendas provided, effective evaluations
Did speakers receive verbal and written evaluations? Yes
If no, please explain:

Were all speeches from the manuals? Yes
If no, please explain:
Has the club recently conducted one or more modules from The Successful Club Series?
If no, please explain:


warmly welcomed, provided information, invited back

actively participates in the Distinguished Club Program, celebrates member achievement
New Members:
orients new members, assigns mentors to new members
Club Officers:
meet at least monthly, actively promote membership growth
3. Area Governor Comments
List members interested in future leadership roles within the district:

Club strengths:
Club 61 has many strengths. A few include strong leadership, new members filling officer roles, mentoring program, presenting educational speeches regularly, welcoming guests and monthly officer meetings.
*Areas needing attention:
This club is very strong because they have excellent leadership and follow the guidelines for successful meetings. Even with a large membership,challenges still exist. Club 61 will need to keep a diligent eye on their membership to ensure they continue to meet everyone's needs. I believe the leadership is well aware of this challenge.
Recommendations for action:

What can the district and I do to support the club?
I will continue to visit the club and be available for support whenever and however possible.

Thank you for submitting your report.

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