I must warn you, should you put pen to paper and sign the
membership application for your local Toastmasters Club, a curse shall be
placed upon you… *ominous voice*
Please do not be alarmed, for this curse will only bring you
knowledge and skill. I am referring to the curse of noticing every time you
begin a sentence with “um.”
We have an Ah-Counter at the club meeting patiently counting
the number of “ah’s” and “um’s” we use as we speak. The result of his or her
report is a fascinating and cringe-inducing insight into our speaking habits.
For me, as soon as somebody started pointing it out week after week, I couldn’t
stop hearing filler words everywhere. An old Larry King interview came on TV
and I sat there transfixed not by the old footage or the weird 1970’s chairs
they were sitting in, but by how many times expert interviewer Larry King said “um.”
I couldn’t stop counting. I was obsessed. That’s the curse.
As curses go, this one is amusing. I promise you will be
listening to a favorite podcast and counting the number of “um’s” on your
fingers until you run out of fingers and try counting them in your head. I
promise that you will flinch inside when a person asks you for directions and
you begin your reply with “ummmmm.” And I promise the knowledge of this will
clean up your daily conversations as well as the speeches you give.
Before I engage in everyday conversation my brain actually
reminds me to avoid the unnecessary filler words. I realize I don’t have to
stumble and stammer through a reply. Not only do I sound confident, it built up
my self-esteem because I have always hated the sound of my voice. I needed
Now that you are duly warned, go forth and share your lack
of filler words with the world. I promise you will like your new voice as much
as I like mine. J
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